Website design and deployment
The Castle isn’t just one man’s 20 year obsession. Incredibly Amigo chose out of all possible building sites in Lightning Ridge the resting place of an long extinct and ancient reptile. Like a giant memorial the castle sits atop dinosaur bones many millions of years old.It is a favourite attraction in Lightning Ridge.
After discusiing the website with the principles it was agreed this webiste had to be different and querky to fit in with Amigos amazing personality.
The Clever Dogs used a mixture of Video animations and vector graphics along with a great deal of code to deliver this amazing website.
Jul , 2021
- Web Design
- Branding
- Video Production
- Animation
- Hard Coding
A full floor up design of the website was undertaken using all the latest technology to provide an enhanced user experience for visitors.
We used local photography from the Castle and combined it with some amazing local photography.
We personally love it.
A 6 minute video of Amigos castle was produced from footage supplied by the client. We developed all the animations and imagery.
Take a minute and watch it as it is very interesting.